Auto Injury
Cornerstone Integrated Healthcare is the local leader in Auto Injury recovery and is trailblazing the industry with new and innovative treatments for our auto injury patients.
Our Chief Operating Officer, Mark McKinley was first in the area to pioneer the multi discipline approach to auto injury recovery by bringing Chiropractic, Licensed Physical Therapy, Ortho Spine, Ortho Extremity and Neurology together all under one roof for the comfort and convenience of the patient.
Mark brings 30 years of personal injury experience and expertise to our office and is the integral part of the expansion here at Cornerstone Many of the specialized procedures that used to require surgery centers, are now done right here in our newly remodeled office.
Dont settle for less than the best
Come experience the difference at Cornerstone Integrated Healthcare!
How long do you have?
Florida PIP law mandates that you are seen within 14 days by a licensed Medical Doctor. Failure to be seen within this time frame may result in your claim for injuries being denied by your own insurance carrier
How many days after a car accident Do you feel pain?
They have found: Internal bleeding/bruising (“seatbelt syndrome”) has been noticed between 24 hours and 3 days (72 hours) after an accident. Brain and neck injuries have emerged up to 8 days after an accident and, in some cases, proved fatal. Concussion symptoms may not show up for hours or days after an accident.
What happens to your body after a car accident?
Besides the physical injuries your body can experience during a car crash, your brain responds as well. It will release endorphins and adrenaline to increase physical alertness and elevate mood, making it easier for the body and mind to handle the crash.
Can minor car accident cause back pain?
Even a seemingly minor accident can cause back injuries, in part because the human body simply isn't designed to absorb the jarring impact of a car accident, even a low-speed collision.
How should I feel after a car accident?
Immediately after a car accident, and for several days afterwards, people usually experience being in shock. Shock can feel different for everyone, but common symptoms include feeling numb, being in emotional distress, continuing to feel afraid even though the event is over, or having unpredictable mood swings
How does a car accident affect you mentally?
Long-term Effects of Traumatic Car Accidents. It is clear that people involved in nonfatal accidents can experience serious mental stress like PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias.